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The large-scale use of organochlorine compounds in insect control causes increasing concern due to their toxicity and persistance which creates enviro...
Read moreExcept in the 2- to 3-month annual dry season, stomatal conductance was principally determined by incident irradiance; it was independent of shoot wat...
Read moreCompetition from weeds (Agropyron repens, Stellaria media, Poa annua and others) in the first growing season hastened foliage senescence and reduced b...
Read moreHoneybee colony weight (C) was related to the weight of honey stored (H), but this relationship was not linear because of the increased population of ...
Read moreThe pH, percentage moisture, and temperature of colliery spoil, and the K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Al concentration of saturation paste extract...
Read moreSeedlings and young trees of Pinus sylvestris were grown in outdoor fumigation chambers at about 5 and 150 mu SO2m-3 (5 pphm). Temperature and water v...
Read moreThe procedure adopted in an attempt to identify bushes which would produce high-yielding clones is described. In a six-month study in Kericho, Kenya, ...
Read moreWoodpigeons (Columba palumbus) foraging on Brassica sites in England spent about 50% of their time resting. They tended to move from Brassica to clove...
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