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The evolution of natural waterholes is attributed to the erosion of surrounding termitaria by wildlife. The physico-chemical characteristics of soil f...
Read moreAfter an accidental spillage, the total plant cover, total number of species, mean number of species per quadrat and the Shannon-Wiener function progr...
Read moreA schedule of simplified procedures for soil analysis is presented which enables over 100 prepared soil samples to be analysed for soluble salts, carb...
Read moreA soil core sampling tube for use with a power hammer is described. The tube splits lengthways into two halves which facilitates sampling on difficult...
Read moreExtracts and leachates of the grass Aristida adscensionis inhibited the growth in culture conditions of Rhizobium extracted from Indigofera cordifolia...
Read moreThe patterns of variation of soil conditions and vegetation were mapped on a mosiac area (4 ha) of solodized-solonetz and solodic soils at Lansdown, Q...
Read moreAbove-ground yield and the production of senescent and dead tissue were measured in perennial and Italian ryegrasses, white and red clover and in mixt...
Read moreIn response to an increasing need for an effective method to evaluate land for its potential to support wildlife populations, a land evaluation method...
Read moreA functional habitat classification was derived using the parametric land classification approach. Construction of a habitat map was based on photoeco...
Read moreMeasurements of global radiation using pairs of thermopile pyranometers, one of which was filtered with an RG8 hemisphere, were made under high insola...
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