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A brief description is given of equipment designed to measure soil oxygen flux and soil redox potential at a large number of points. Replicated measur...
Read moreConstant temperatures within the range 11-23 C had no significant effect upon the germination of Avena fatua, but higher temperatures appreciably redu...
Read moreSpecies diversity, richness and evenness of Collembola populations were estimated for spring, summer, autumn and winter samplings of pastures at Armid...
Read moreThree areas of bog in western Scotland were grazed at monthly intervals at the times of the year when sheep would graze these areas in hill sheep prod...
Read moreAn analysis of the contents of 109 European whitefronted goose (Anser albifrons) fore-guts, and of goose droppings, is described. The diet of the gees...
Read moreA steady-state model linking the influxes and effluxes of CO2 to and from the substomatal cavity through the mean intercellular-space CO2 concentratio...
Read moreIn a glasshouse trial, 94 accessions of wheat from E. Nepal (alt. 1220-2985 m) were grown under uniform conditions; 39 characteristics of the plants w...
Read moreDM production ranged from <2 g/m2 day in winter to 20 g/m2 day in spring in barley cv. Sekitori-Sai No.1 sown in 15-cm bands 55 cm apart with 105 p...
Read moreAn instrument for measuring the distribution of irradiance in grass canopies is described; it demonstrated that light from an overcast sky was more un...
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