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In trials in flowing solution culture, the growth rate of Anthoxanthum odoratum was similar over the entire range of K concentrations tested (0.1-3.3 ...
Read moreAn empirical model used to standardize data on root investigations was P = 100 (1-e-fx) where P was the percentage of roots in x cm of soil, and f was...
Read moreA. odoratum populations from 8 plots of a long-term experiment given N, P, NP or no fertilizer, with or without lime, were grown in sand culture at 5 ...
Read morePerennial ryegrass cv. S23 was grown on 13 shales in a glasshouse and at 3 field sites with 0, 125 or 625 kg 17-17-17 (NPK) fertilizer/ha (field) or 6...
Read moreIn an NPKCa factorial experiment with L. perenne cv. S23 and A. tenuis cv. American Highland Bent on 5 colliery shales, P was deficient on all 5 subst...
Read moreSwedes cv. Victory and sugar beet cv. Klein E were grown at 2 sites in S.E. England and protected by a N.-S. screen with 50% permeability; the height ...
Read moreA computer program suitable for employing regression techniques for plant growth analysis where data from only a few sequential harvests are available...
Read moreSeveral successional trends towards woodland were identified. A greater number of species was present in a felled wood than in an abandoned arable fie...
Read moreThe pioneer community on sand tailings areas in W. Malaysia contained a number of grasses and legumes, including Tricholaena rosea [= Rhynchelytrum re...
Read moreThe system described samples average atmospheric CO2 content at 6 levels and can detect differences of 0.1 ppm between levels.
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