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Neem trees planted on infertile acid sands improved the nutrient content and physical condition of the soil.
Read moreExperimental evidence claiming to show appreciable rhizosphere resistances in soils much wetter than permanent wilting point (sometimes even at soil m...
Read moreThe mathematical models of Gardner (1960) and Cowan (1965) are developed to show that the soil matric potential at which rhizosphere resistance become...
Read moreWith the aid of aerial photographs, a survey of the geology, soils, vegetation and land use and an assessment of land capability were made. Erosion is...
Read moreT. repens plants from 5 populations from calcareous soils and 5 populations from acid soils were grown in sand cultures with varying levels of Ca, Mg ...
Read moreThe Cu or Zn tolerance of populations of Agrostis tenuis[Agrostis capillaris], A. stolonifera, Festuca rubra, F. ovina and Anthoxanthum odoratum from ...
Read moreIf the "root absorbing power" (α) for a nutrient is given by the flux across the root surface divided by a concentration in solution at the root surfa...
Read moreA classification system for the land-use survey to be conducted as a basis for management planning in the Luangwa Valley is described. The classificat...
Read moreIn 2 glasshouse experiments, one in summer, the other in winter, Helxine soleirolii growing in John Innes No. 1 potting compost was either irrigated s...
Read moreThe trees Nothofagus fusca and Wienmannia racemosa and the shrubs Coprosma australis and Quintinia acutifolia were found to have an α activity and U c...
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