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Results of some experiments on a range of species, including maize, castor and sunflowers, did not appear to be in accordance with the claim that appr...
Read moreYoung plants of 5 species were grown in pots for 8-16 days in daylight under shades constructed of 6-mm strips. The shades were fixed or were made to ...
Read moreAnalytical data (tabulated) show that A. indica has considerably improved the nutrient content and physical condition of the infertile acid sands on w...
Read moreIn a radioecological study of several common species of the Buller Gorge uraniferous area (South Island), the trees Nothofagus fusca and Weinmannia ra...
Read moreInvestigations into the possible eradication of tsetse flies by the release of sterile males included the breeding of tsetse flies under field conditi...
Read moreThe seasonal pattern of soil heat-flux was dominated by the increase in crop cover. The average minimum daytime downward flux into the ridge was 40 ca...
Read moreProves that there is a unique solution to the model for predicting the resource structure previously described [cf F.A. 28 No. 4404], and describes an...
Read moreInformation is given on climate, soil types, vegetation, rural sociology, agriculture and land capability in the above survey area. The subtropical sc...
Read moreData are presented for a range of species including perennial grasses, white clover, lucerne, cereals and soyabeans on the length of roots per unit ar...
Read moreEquations for the estimation of net radiation flux, some involving only a single climatic element, were compared with Penman's (4-element) formula and...
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