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The following is virtually the author's summary. Observations in southern England in 1964-67 showed that the period when most of the Hymenopterous par...
Read moreThe following is virtually the author's summary of this part of a series on investigations in south-eastern England [cf. RAE A 57 889, etc.]. The effe...
Read moreThe following is virtually the author's summary. Studies were carried out in 1958-62 on some of the factors that affect the formation of bands of hopp...
Read moreThis paper reports the results of field studies carried out between February 1964 and February 1966 on the rodent and insect hosts of Leishmania mexic...
Read moreThe following is substantially the author's summary. The ecology of the larval habitats of the salt-marsh mosquito Aedes detritus (Hal.) was studied o...
Read moreThe following is based largely on the author's summary of this account of a study of the fauna of stones in the Vaal River in the north-east of Cape P...
Read moreThe following is based largely on the author's partly hypothetical interpretation of existing data on the zoonosis caused by Leishmania mexicana in Br...
Read moreThe following is based partly on the authors' summary. Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. entered Ankole in south-western Uganda in 1907. Its northwa...
Read moreSpaced plants of the British S170 and the north African Syn I and Syn II were grown in the open from April to December 1962. Initially the north Afric...
Read moreThe effects of single pre-blossom applications of DDT/ BHC and lead arsenate/nicotine on the fauna of apple trees in an orchard which was otherwise ne...
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