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In further investigations on feeding on larvae of Sericesthis nigrolineata (Boisd.), a pest of pastures in New South Wales [cf. preceding abstract, RA...
Read moreData are presented for a range of species including perennial grasses, white clover, lucerne, cereals and soyabeans on the length of roots per unit ar...
Read moreOn a broad scale, growth of Atriplex amnicola declined greatly in response to reduced depth to the water table during the summer. On a micro-environme...
Read moreThe life history of Leontice leontopetalum was studied under field and controlled conditions in connection with its survival in ploughed fields. At ge...
Read moreThe field of conservation science has been described as a crisis- and solutions-oriented discipline, with roots as a problem-solving field. Despite th...
Read moreThis article introduces the project Back on Our Map (BOOM), which aims to raise awareness of and reinforce aspen (Populus tremula) populations in sout...
Read moreIn a randomized plot experiment on Festuca arundinacea grassland on alluvial loam soil during 1968, plots were mowed and raked bi-weekly, mowed and sp...
Read moreThe effects of temperature and photoperiod on the growth and development of three populations from Norway and one from Portugal were studied. Marked e...
Read moreThe contents of organic C and fibrous roots were characteristically high in soils under Rhizophora racemosa (5-10% and 11-26% respectively). They were...
Read moreIn a glasshouse experiment, galvanised iron wires or woven fibre-glass strands placed 3 cm below the soil surface constricted the tap roots of Quercus...
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