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cf. F.A. 27 No. 886.] Studies at Monks Wood, Huntingdonshire, and Silwood Park, Berkshire, suggest that the species of animals (particularly birds) th...
Read moreA transect of forty-four pitfall traps passing through eleven point habitats associated with citrus in South Africa captured 10 488 individuals compri...
Read moreBahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) plants were grown in 5 × 5 cm pots at densities of 2, 4, 8 and 16 plants/pot and treated with 0, 100, 200 and 400 µg gal...
Read moreThe harvesting of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is a global phenomenon, the sustainability of which has been studied for many species at the indi...
Read moreApple is considered the most important fruit crop in temperate areas and profitable production depends on multiple ecosystem services, including the r...
Read moreThe Thar Desert of western India has provided several 'miracle' plants of immense food and medicinal value. Native communities have adopted a unique i...
Read moreThe responses of two frugivorous ungulates, the mousedeer species Tragulus javanicus klossi and T. napu borneanus, to mechanized selective logging in ...
Read moreExtrafloral nectar (EFN) provides plants with indirect defence against herbivores by attracting predatory insects, predominantly ants. Decades of rese...
Read morePlant-pollinator interactions were examined with respect to Prosopis velutina, and provide the first quantification of pollination effectiveness and p...
Read moreHerbivores inducing host-plant trait changes can indirectly affect the performance, distribution, abundance and behaviour of other herbivores, even wh...
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