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T. granarius, which damaged rice in the seedling stage, was controlled by 0.5 lb malathion/ac. L. ovum, which damaged young growing points of rice, wa...
Read moreIn the area studied [cf. F.A. 27 No. 28], the tree cover, measured in various ways, was not significantly related to the dry weight of the herb layer ...
Read moreThe effect of temperature upon the boring activity and survival of a sample of Limnoria spp. taken from Southampton Water was investigated experimenta...
Read moreFrom general observations it is postulated that the unenclosed woodlands of the New Forest consist of three generations. It was possible to determine ...
Read moreThe contents of organic C and fibrous roots were characteristically high in soils under Rhizophora racemosa (5-10% and 11-26% respectively). They were...
Read moreThere are clear indications that Birch grows in height only when the mean air and soil temperatures exceed 42-44°F. There is a rather loose correlatio...
Read moreDescribes how the 29 'land systems' in Bechuanaland [cf. F.A. 25 No. 4494] were recognized; briefly lists their properties; and describes how their ag...
Read moreThis paper reports and compares the free and sulfate S contents in the soil profiles from barren flats and Mangrove communities previously described [...
Read morePart II: P. ulmi hatched 4-5 weeks before B. angulatus, and in years when the predator severely checked the mite predation was effective at the beginn...
Read moreThe numbers of Brevicoryne brassicae and its parasites and predators in a crop of brussels sprouts were counted during a season. The results were grou...
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