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These two parts of a series deal with studies in an apple orchard in south-eastern England in 1953-59 on the effect of routine sprays of winter wash (...
Read moreThe following is based almost entirely on the author's summary of this account of investigations in southern England in 1957-58. The numbers of Brevic...
Read moreThe following is based almost entirely on the author's summary of this account of investigations carried out in south-eastern England during the winte...
Read moreThe following is almost entirely the author's summary of this part of a series [cf. R.A.E., A 53 580, etc.]. The effect of pockets of damp wheat on th...
Read moreThese two parts of a series deal with studies in an apple orchard in south-eastern England in 1953-59 on the effect of routine sprays of winter wash (...
Read more(S. & F. XXVIII [657]). Soil-moisture changes were followed for three years; the plantations varied in age from 20 to 32 years and were on soils d...
Read moreAn approximate solution is presented of the differential equation describing soil-moisture flow towards a root absorbing water at a periodically varyi...
Read moreThe swamps consist mainly of areas under Rhizo-phora racemosa and Avicennia germinans mangroves, Sesuvium portulacastrum lawns, and barren mud flats. ...
Read moreThe following is based largely on the author's summary. As little information was available on mosquitos breeding in tree holes in West Africa, a stud...
Read morecf. F.A. 26 No. 1678.] Gypsum electrical-resistance blocks were used to follow changes in soil moisture on four forested sites and one grass-covered s...
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