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A hypothetical model for water movement in the soil/plant/atmosphere system in response to gradients of water potential is discussed. F. s.-J.G.G.
Read moreSee H.A. 34: 1759.
Read moreYields of heather herbage ranged from 3238 to 29, 261 kg DM/ha. The latter stand contained 39, 56, 17, 8 and 192 kg/ha of Ca, K, Mg, P and N, respecti...
Read moreThe presence of Sporendonéma sebi on sterilised wheat-germ flakes prevented these being eaten by A. siro, an effect persisting even after resterilisat...
Read moreBare soil evolved a maximum of 7 g CO2/m2/day in summer and a minimum of 1 g/m2/day in winter; the Q10 was 3. Root respiration, i.e. the difference in...
Read moreAbove-ground parts of maize and Typha angustifolia ecosystems contained 2.8 and 4.4 µc 90Sr/ha, amounts similar to those found in pastures where most ...
Read moreOutlines the history of vegetation on the island and presents data and maps showing the condition in 1958 of plants, including ca. 20 tree species, in...
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