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In 1911 and 1925, reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) were introduced to the subantarctic island of South Georgia where there is a sp.-poor vascular flora an...
Read moreFactors influencing the food intake of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) on tundra were studied using tame animals. Food intake was estimated from...
Read moreThe distribution of red kangaroos (Megaleia rufa) was determined from aerial surveys at approximately 3-wk intervals over a 4.5-yr period during which...
Read moreThe accumulation of nutrients in the standing crop and standing dead material in naturally grazed and sheep-grazed grass/clover vegetation on reclaime...
Read moreIn order to measure total annual seed rain for a native grassland in Missouri, USA, fifty 9-cm diam. sticky traps were exposed to collect dispersing p...
Read moreA series of root-pruning experiments was performed to simulate the effects of grazing by root-feeding herbivores on B. gracilis. Approx. 37% (c. 22 mg...
Read moreA study was made to measure compensatory growth responses and to estimate losses associated with bird damage to maturing maize. Maize grains contained...
Read moreLosses of nutrients from young grass/clover swards in an establishing phase and older swards in a maintenance phase on china clay wastes were examined...
Read moreThe accumulation of biomass and nutrients in 3 compartments (plant shoots, roots and surface soil) in developing grass/clover ecosystems in 2 types of...
Read moreIn a survey of 68 reclaimed china clay wastes, the grass/clover vegetation was scored for overall cover, legume cover and the number of ingressed spp....
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