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The av. daily deposition velocity of SO2 onto a canopy of pine [Pinus sylvestris/P. nigra var. maritima] in Nottinghamshire, UK, in a dry summer (1975...
Read moreThree major determinants of bees' nectar foraging patterns are the maximum depth at which nectar is accessible (dependent on bee tongue length); the m...
Read moreThis report outlines the SSSI Future Reforms (SSSIFR) project undertaken by Natural England, aiming to investigate whether the current statutory frame...
Read moreThe report assesses the occurrence and impacts of drought, the current policies underlying drought management as well as the mitigation measures and r...
Read moreEcological trait diversity metrics have been used to highlight the impacts of agriculture. Such metrics can also be used to include human nutrition-an...
Read moreIntermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) are watercourses that cease flow at some point in time and space. Arguably Earth's most widespread ty...
Read moreThe Expert Meeting on Climate Change Implications for Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries, was held at the GFCM, Rome, 4-6 December 2017, with the o...
Read moreAnalytical data (tabulated) show that A. indica has considerably improved the nutrient content and physical condition of the infertile acid sands on w...
Read moreThe use of expert knowledge (EK) as an alternative to empirical data is increasing in the ecological disciplines in response to the growing need for r...
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