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The soils and vegetation of horse tracks which passed through Pteridium aquilinum or Calluna vulgaris dominated sites, with underlying podsols, were s...
Read moreComplex environments support high biodiversity and diverse microhabitat availability, which may reduce the intensity of competition among species. Bot...
Read moreClimate change information, with estimates of natural disturbance and projected ecosystem shifts, can support research and inform decision-making for ...
Read moreLinear landscape elements such as hedgerows and road verges have the potential to mitigate the adverse effects of habitat fragmentation and climate ch...
Read moreThe evidence for anthropogenically induced climate change is overwhelming with the production of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels being a ke...
Read moreIn Ethiopia, watershed management programs commenced in a formal way in the 1970s. From that time up to the late 1990s, implementation was typically a...
Read moreMicrobe-based biocontrol applications hold the potential to become an efficient way to control plant pathogen disease outbreaks in the future. However...
Read moreAs human population size increases, demand for natural resources will increase. Logging pressure related to increasing demands continues to threaten r...
Read moreInvasive species may have devastating impacts on native biota. Cane toads Rhinella marina continue to invade northern Australia and the consequences f...
Read moreOffshore windfarms require construction procedures that minimize impacts on protected marine mammals. Uncertainty over the efficacy of existing guidel...
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