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Meeting fundamental human needs while also maintaining ecosystem function and services is the central challenge of sustainability science. In the dens...
Read moreInformation is given on climate, soil types, vegetation, rural sociology, agriculture and land capability in the above survey area. There was a transi...
Read moreThis conservation assessment represents a comprehensive review by scientists of the current scientific knowledge about the ecology, habitat use, popul...
Read moreAlthough agriculture is amongst the world's most widespread land uses, studies of its effects on stream ecosystems are often limited in spatial extent...
Read moreIn the Arctic, chemical contaminants, shipping, oil pollution, plastic pollution, changing habitats in relation to climate change and fisheries have b...
Read moreCassava is consumed by 800 million people and is a staple crop in Africa. Its production may increase under climate change due to its high drought tol...
Read moreThis paper examines whether cooperative behavior by respondents measured as contributions in a one-shot public goods game correlates with reported pro...
Read moreIn terrestrial ecosystems many species show large population fluctuations caused by pulsed resources, such as mast seeding. A prime example of a mamma...
Read moreRising human activity in the Arctic, combined with a warming climate, increases the probability of introduction and establishment of alien plant speci...
Read moreThis paper covers the eighth assessment of the forthcoming legislation that are considered to have likely consequences for the environment or for ecol...
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