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Wild bullfinches feeding on the buds of orchard pear trees are known to prefer the cultivar 'Conference' to 'Doyenne du Comice', which differs in many...
Read moreA field experiment in Hampshire was undertaken to test whether the herbicides, fungicides and insecticides used on cereal fields reduce the survival o...
Read moreGenetic differentiation in Orchesella cincta populations from various sites contaminated by heavy metals in the Netherlands, Belgium and German Federa...
Read moreThe effects of fenitrothion on reproduction in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) was examined in a New Brunswick forest cutover in t...
Read moreThe composition of agro-ecological landscapes is thought to have important implications for the production of major crops through its effects on polli...
Read moreConverting natural areas into land used for production causes dramatic changes in the configuration of landscapes. Both the loss and fragmentation of ...
Read moreOrganic farming is a promising way to reduce pesticide use but increasing the area under organic farming at the landscape scale could increase pest in...
Read moreGlobally, temperate grasslands have been heavily modified by agricultural intensification. The ecological integrity of many remaining semi-natural gra...
Read moreGambusia affinis reduced the abundance of the mosquito Culex tarsalis in a rice field in the San Joaquin Valley, California. The fish also reduced the...
Read morePeat-forming wetlands, particularly floating fens that form the initial stages of these ecosystems, are declining globally due to excavation, dehydrat...
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