Steven J. Cooke – Thu 16 Sep 2021

Thursday 16 September 2021
15:00 UK time / 10:00 Eastern time
Professor Steven J. Cooke
Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation, Carleton University
Rethinking authorship in conservation science
The conservation science community of today is at a crossroads as we confront racist and otherwise oppressive histories across different spheres, disciplines and scales. This can be viewed as an opportunity to bring this important dialogue to the fore of our field in thinking about who is considered as co-authors and experts on a given subject. To that end, we argue that it is time to revisit authorship criteria to better acknowledge the diverse ways in which different individuals contribute to conservation science research.
This workshop follows Steven’s recently published article in Issue 2:2 of Ecological Solutions and Evidence.
About the speaker
Steven J. Cooke is a Professor of Environmental and Interdisciplinary Science at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. His work spans the natural and social sciences with a focus on developing solutions related to the freshwater biodiversity crisis. He is a Trustee of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence and is Secretary of the College of the Royal Society of Canada.
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