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AER Spotlight

FSC Invertebrate Challenge: Project Evaluation Report

A brilliant project report detailing all the aims and outcomes of a citizen science-led initiative to improve and grow the local species database. The report includes the volunteers’ evaluation responses following the project to help guide design and delivery of future initiatives.


Shared by Field Studies Council – a Bronze AER Member.

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Soil mites of Mary Mix McDonald Woods and nearby upland forests in Northeastern Illinois, USA.

This catalogue provides information on morphological characteristics of soil mites collected in mesic, dry mesic, upland forest, and buckthorn communi...

READ MORE about Soil mites of Mary Mix McDonald Woods and nearby upland forests in Northeastern Illinois, USA.

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In-situ and ex-situ conservation priorities and distribution of lentil wild relatives under climate change: a modelling approach.

Lentil wild relatives are an important source of desirable traits that can be used for improving the productivity and resilience of cultivated lentil....

READ MORE about In-situ and ex-situ conservation priorities and distribution of lentil wild relatives under climate change: a modelling approach.

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Rwanda climate services for agriculture: farmers willingness to pay for improved climate services.

This willingness-to-pay (WTP) study aims to understand how Rwandan farmers value the improved characteristics of agricultural climate services introdu...

READ MORE about Rwanda climate services for agriculture: farmers willingness to pay for improved climate services.

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Ecological Solutions and Evidence

Issue 2:2 out now!

Discover our fantastic collection of articles from practice and research featuring a variety of topics across our unique article types including Registered Reports and Practice Insights.

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The Applied Ecologist