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Conservation management to protect coastal ecosystems sometimes overlooks site-specific fine-scale heterogeneity. For example, while habitat loss is a...
Read moreThe need to increase our understanding of factors that regulate animal population dynamics has been catalysed by recent, observed declines in wildlife...
Read moreDespite the benefits of a diverse approach to crop pollination, global food production remains reliant on a low diversity of managed pollinators, espe...
Read moreLand management is critical for biodiversity conservation in mountain grasslands. It should be both ecologically effective and economically efficient....
Read moreTransmission of parasites between host species affects host population dynamics, interspecific competition, and ecosystem structure and function. In a...
Read moreChange in cropping practices is required to address the food security issues in Africa. Yet, testing of the performance of such changes, in particular...
Read moreIn many parts of the world, changes in agricultural land-use have led to significant declines of bird species, including aerial insectivores such as b...
Read morePayments for ecosystem services (PES) typically reward landowners for managing their land to provide ecosystem services that would not otherwise be pr...
Read moreManagement decisions for threatened and endangered species require risks to be identified and prioritized, based on the degree to which they influence...
Read moreShea (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn) is a fruit tree of domestic and industrial importance in arid and semi-arid regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. Frui...
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