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For the overwhelming majority of species, we lack long-term information on the dynamics of populations. As a consequence, we face considerable uncerta...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionptThis link goes to a English section Environment-facing interventions impact the distribution, use of and access...
Read moreMultiple crises, including climate change, ecosystem degradation, economic, political and social upheavals, severely impact people's well-being. Ecosy...
Read moreHorizon scanning is an essential tool for environmental scientists if they are to contribute to the evidence base for Government, its agencies and oth...
Read moreA possible explanation for low success rates when introducing natural enemies to new regions for biological control of insect pests is that they fail ...
Read moreAs highly productive and biologically diverse communities, healthy quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides; hereafter aspen) forests provide a wide range o...
Read moreBreeding programs of the Green Revolution based their success on increasing the production of harvestable biomass, in relation with non-commercial par...
Read moreInformation is lacking on how possible future changes in the seasonal occurrence and intensity of precipitation in Europe will affect the arthropod co...
Read moreDeforestation and forest degradation account for 12-15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The largest driver of deforestation is the conversion of l...
Read moreFluctuating asymmetry (FA) of birch (Betula spp.) leaves collected along 4 pollution gradients in NW Russia and Finland was assessed by measuring the ...
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