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The steep upward-rising damage trend incurred by natural hazard risk as a result of climate change is already inflating economic losses in agriculture...
Read moreThe Sardinian wetlands belong to the Sardinia-Corsica corridor of the central eastern Mediterranean bird flyway. They supply the food and shelter for ...
Read morePlants or seeds produced in botanic gardens or nurseries have become an important source of plant material for reintroductions or population reinforce...
Read more1. Bycatch of protected species in static net fisheries is a global conservation concern and is currently considered the dominant anthropogenic threat...
Read moreLandscape decisions are multi-faceted. Framing landscape decision-making as a governance process that requires a collective approach can encourage key...
Read moreSurging demand for medicinal plant products may lead to unsustainable harvesting practices, which could put pressure on wild populations. Yet little i...
Read moreConservation of nomadic species presents significant conservation challenges because of unpredictability in their movements and space use. Long-term s...
Read moreOrganic farming has potential for the conservation of global biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. Despite this, knowledge of the effects of...
Read moreModern intensive agriculture relies heavily on pesticides to control weeds, pathogens and insect pests. Forecasting and managing the impact of pests a...
Read moreAlthough invasions by alien plants are major threats to the biodiversity of natural habitats, individual habitats vary considerably in their susceptib...
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