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Quantifying and predicting the distribution of naturalized plant species is a major concern for weed risk assessment and understanding the potential i...
Read moreVine mealybug Planococcus ficus is an invasive pest of vineyards in many areas of the world. In California, USA, it infests all plant subunits and has...
Read moreAnthelmintics are widely used to control gastrointestinal parasites of livestock. However, the residues of these compounds, particularly the macrocycl...
Read moreHuman activities profoundly impact the Earth system such as climate change, biodiversity, disease transmission. Accurately acquiring and assessing the...
Read moreForest restoration is critical for meeting global objectives related to climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoo...
Read moreThis complex study investigates causal relationships between biodiversity of insect indicator-insects in soil, on land surface and on trees, and agro-...
Read moreThe impact of industrial fisheries on marine biodiversity is conspicuous in large pelagic vertebrate's fisheries bycatch. In seabirds, this led to the...
Read moreThe introduction and further spread of many alien species have been a result of trade and transport. Consequently, alien species are often found close...
Read moreAfter a century of fire suppression and accumulating fuel loads in North American forests, prescribed burns are increasingly used to prevent condition...
Read moreAfter a mature apple orchard had been removed by grubbing the trees various experimental treatments (different systems of manuring and ploughing at tw...
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