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This paper explores the mechanisms for improving participant and public engagement with citizen science results, using the New Zealand Garden Bird Sur...
Read moreA new experiment using a game, in which farmers manage a digital farming landscape: looking at how farmers manage their land in the game enables to un...
Read moreMore than half way towards the deadline for 2020 Aichi targets, a key question is whether the metapopulation dynamics of dispersal-restricted habitat ...
Read moreThe Brazilian Forest Code (FC) requires all private rural properties to maintain a fixed proportion of their area in natural vegetation as a legal res...
Read moreThis presentation discusses the ERAMMP (Environmental and Rural Agricultural Monitoring and Management Programme) and the Countryside Survey, which pr...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionesThis link goes to a Spanish section In this paper, we look at people's engagement with peatlands and peatland r...
Read moreA wealth of evidence suggests an important relationship between nature and human health and well-being and this appears to hold particular resonance f...
Read moreTwelve species of large herbivores dwell on the steppes of Central Asia and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Three of these species once occurred in vast he...
Read moreTanzania faces an acute shortage of timber that can only be met by private tree growers, at least in the short to medium term. The Tanzanian governmen...
Read moreMany tropical landscapes have experienced the loss of traditional cultivation practices as they have transitioned to other land use systems. The Tanin...
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