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The carbon footprint of food loss and waste (FLW) is estimated to be up to 3.49 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (gtCO2e), representing up to 6-1...
Read moreDespite ongoing concerns and controversy over a putative 'global pollination crisis' there is little information on the response of bees, the most imp...
Read moreCalluna-dominated heaths occur throughout Europe but are in decline across their range. There is growing interest in using prescribed burning for thei...
Read moreMitigating climate change is an urgent challenge for society. Increasing carbon storage in forests, which cover more than 30% of the global land surfa...
Read moreThis report is a component of the Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS) - funded project "Impacts of Climate Extr...
Read moreThis document is part of CIFOR's series of REDD+ country profiles. It analyzes the case of Burkina Faso: the drivers of deforestation, the institution...
Read moreThe biodiversity and climate crises are critical challenges of this century. Wildflower meadows in urban areas could provide important nature-based so...
Read moreIt is widely appreciated that management shapes the dynamics of many ecological systems, but ecologists rarely consider the reverse interaction, that ...
Read moreUnderstanding and addressing biodiversity declines across the globe will require interdisciplinary practices that embrace multiple worldviews and weav...
Read moreThis study elicits the main development challenges for the indigenous social-ecological system (SES) of the Guna people in Panama, which is characteri...
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