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Agriculture is the most important sector of Somaliland's economy. In 2012, the sector contributed more than 40% of Somaliland's GDP - with the livesto...
Read moreGambusia affinis reduced the abundance of the mosquito Culex tarsalis in a rice field in the San Joaquin Valley, California. The fish also reduced the...
Read moreAnts play a fundamental role in coffee pest control. Despite this, there is a lack of understanding about how landscape configuration and composition ...
Read moreRapid growth of the world's human population has increased pressure on landscapes to deliver high levels of multiple ecosystem services, including foo...
Read moreGlobal declines in marine shellfish have resulted in widespread efforts to restore populations. Previous research has predominantly focused on substra...
Read moreWildflower habitats planted along field borders are a widely promoted strategy for supporting bees in agricultural landscapes. However, honeybees (Api...
Read moreBatrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), an aquatic pathogenic fungus, is responsible for the decline of hundreds of amphibian species worldwide and negat...
Read morePopulation loss in rural areas is rapidly increasing in high-income countries, raising concerns and debate, given its socio-economic consequences. Des...
Read moreGlobally, cats are a common companion animal. Allowing companion cats to roam away from home can have negative impacts on native wildlife and cat welf...
Read moreTibetan Buddhist monasteries are widely distributed throughout the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and are significant locations for human-wildlife coexistence....
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