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Despite growing concern about climate change, there remains a significant gap between individuals' environmental concern and their actual behaviour. H...
Read moreWildlife trade is a worldwide threat to biodiversity. It is a complex problem, and to deal with it, one must analyse its constituting factors, some of...
Read moreMuch evidence supports the ecological and agronomic benefits of diversity, of both crops and environments, for building resilience and sustainability ...
Read moreWith increasing global urbanization, the proportion of the world's population engaged in the primary sector of the economy continues to decrease, lead...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionmgThis link goes to a English section Anthropogenic climate change has an unprecedented impact on ecosystems and ...
Read moreMonarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) have undergone large scale population declines leading to multiple conservation organizations encouraging the c...
Read moreThe majority of research into the mental health benefits of blue space (outdoor places where water is a central feature) has focussed on the associati...
Read moreAccounting for the values placed on nature by the public is key to successful policies in reversing ongoing biodiversity declines. However, biodiversi...
Read moreAfrican swine fever is a devastating disease of domestic pigs and wild boars caused by African swine fever virus (ASFV). ASFV originates from sub-Saha...
Read moreIn this chapter we present issues related to the abundance, conservation, management, production and sanitary aspects of the South American camelids t...
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