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In recent years, marine predator and seabird tracking studies have become ever more popular. However, they are often conducted without first consideri...
Read moreThe amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a major cause of frog declines globally. Two recent Maxent models predict high environm...
Read moreUbiquitous linear developments, such as dirt tracks and firebreaks, termed 'soft' linear developments (SLD), represent weaker landscape modifications ...
Read morePlacing wind turbines within large migration flyways, such as the North Sea basin, can contribute to the decline of vulnerable migratory bird populati...
Read moreInsects play vital ecological roles; many provide essential ecosystem services while others are economically devastating pests and disease vectors. Co...
Read moreRestoration of anthropogenically altered habitats has often focused on management for umbrella species-vulnerable species whose conservation is though...
Read moreThis scoping review examined the potential risks of H5N1 dissemination into wild bird populations due to the release of captive-reared mallards. A com...
Read moreMasses of vegetation, litter and humus and their C and N contents, population densities of bacteria, fungi and arthropods, and respiration rates, mois...
Read moreIn 2 experimental lakes at Oxton, Nottinghamshire, paraquat at 0.5 rng/litre eradicated Elodea canadensis and all other submerged and floating plants ...
Read moreThe effects of habitat changes caused by the spraying of herbicides on the breeding birds of regenerating clearcut mixed woodland (comprising Picea ru...
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