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Recent bark beetle outbreaks in North America and Europe have impacted forested landscapes and the provisioning of critical ecosystem services. The sc...
Read moreIn tropical countries where little natural forest remains, such as the Philippines, small-holder monocultures and mixed-species plantations potentiall...
Read moreTree plantations occur globally and are often promoted as a strategy to supply wood products for an expanding human population while reducing pressure...
Read moreThe source of seed or plant material can have profound implications for the success of restoration efforts because most species exhibit adaptive genet...
Read moreConversion of established forests of undesirable species composition or structure to a multi-age, native forest community is a common restoration goal...
Read moreCover crop mixtures with complementary plant functional traits including biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) may supply nitrogen (N) to farm fields whi...
Read moreThe long term effects of sheep grazing were investigated by comparing soil chemistry, the distribution of nutrients in vegetation and the nutrient sup...
Read moreChanges in microbial activity and populations of Protozoa and nematodes were followed in decomposing barley root material buried in soil cores and in ...
Read moreSpecies-rich grasslands are of high conservation value because of the diverse floral and faunal assemblages they support. Intensive agriculture has re...
Read moreThe concept of pollinator niche complementarity maintains that species-rich pollinator communities can provide higher and more stable pollination serv...
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