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Climate change is expected to bring fewer, larger rainfall events and prolonged droughts (i.e. increased rainfall variability). Concurrently, the burn...
Read moreWe sometimes need to predict the maximum number of bird-days that can be supported by the food supply in a site used by migratory birds outside the br...
Read moreSeveral genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) crops have cleared most of the regulatory hurdles required for commercial growing in the United...
Read moreThe enhancement of biodiversity in meadow grassland, an environmental aim of European agricultural policy, requires definition of appropriate manageme...
Read moreAs an aid for restoration projects, the relative potential for plants to immigrate to sites after severe disturbance was investigated and an index dev...
Read moreThe ecological niche is a fundamental biological concept. Modelling species' niches is central to numerous ecological applications, including predicti...
Read moreThe effects of attack density of Ips cembrae on the gallery length, eggs and adult offspring production and mortality were studied in 0.1 m2 bark samp...
Read moreNitrogen (N) loss from agricultural fields and urban areas to stream and groundwaters is a world-wide environmental problem. Excessive nitrogen loadin...
Read moreManagement decisions regarding invasive plants often have to be made quickly and in the face of fragmentary knowledge of their population dynamics. Ho...
Read moreAttempts to restore damaged ecosystems usually emphasize structural aspects of biodiversity, such as species richness and abundance. An alternative is...
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