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Biological invasions are a major consequence of globalization and pose a significant threat to biodiversity. Because only a small fraction of introduc...
Read moreThe success of locally applied treatments for exotic weed control depends on the effectiveness of the method used and workers' abilities to find plant...
Read moreRecent research has addressed how transgenic residues from arable crops may influence adjacent waterways, aquatic consumers and important ecosystem pr...
Read moreIn some ecosystems there is a positive feedback between forage quality and grazing intensity. This involves three components of plant tolerance to gra...
Read moreRegeneration, mortality, local extinction, growth and foliar elemental concentrations of indigenous (ericoid, restioid, proteoid) and alien (acacia) p...
Read moreField- (vascular plants) and ground- (epigeic bryophytes and lichens) layer vegetation was investigated in four old fertilization experiments in conif...
Read moreArtificial light at night (ALAN) affects species' physiology and behaviour, and the interactions between species. Despite the importance of plants as ...
Read moreNutrient limitation (mostly N or P) is a driving force in ecosystem development. Current techniques to determine the nature of nutrient limitation use...
Read moreSouth African fynbos vegetation, principally Protea repens and P. neriifolia, is fire-prone and susceptible to invasion by alien shrubs. Changes in bi...
Read moreIn June to September 1993 a transhumant flock of sheep on the Schwäbische Alb was examined with respect to which plants and animals are transported on...
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