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The stewardship of forests across multiple human generations has potential to lead to cultural innovations fostering sustainable uses. Nevertheless, p...
Read moreThis report presents the results of a study to monitor and assess the extent and condition of the intertidal rocky scars sub-feature on the English si...
Read moreKnowledge of the regulatory effects of the crop canopy on weed seed germination is necessary to understand fully the behaviour of weed seed banks duri...
Read morePerennial woody invaders often form persistent patches that significantly alter the structure and composition of native plant communities. Given their...
Read moreThe control of invasive species is a challenge heightened by the dependency of management outcomes on environmental variation. This is especially true...
Read moreGradients of animal impact known as piospheres tend to develop around artificial watering points, particularly in arid zones. Such grazing gradients r...
Read moreManagement decisions are increasingly based on matrix models intended to predict the long-term fate of endangered species. However, certain elements o...
Read moreThe frequency and cover of understorey species was determined adjacent to and 10 m distant from trails through 6 forested and 2 meadow ecosystems in t...
Read moreIn field tests with fenuron pellets, Commiphora spp., Maytenus putterlickioides, Premna oligotricha, and Tarchonanthus camphoratus were mostly toleran...
Read moreAs part of the regional PINEMAP (Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation project) funded by the NIFA - USDA, we established a f...
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