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Pesticides constitute a major threat to biodiversity, but our understanding of the complex interactions between local and landscape factors influencin...
Read moreShea Vitellaria paradoxa trees bear fruit and seeds of considerable economic, nutritional and cultural value in the African Sudano-Sahelian zone. In m...
Read moreProtected areas are increasingly threatened by biological invasions, especially in tropical Asia where extensive areas of natural habitats have been c...
Read moreLinear landscape elements such as hedgerows and road verges have the potential to mitigate the adverse effects of habitat fragmentation and climate ch...
Read morePollinators have experienced a dramatic decrease world-wide due to agricultural intensification. In many countries, agri-environment schemes (AES) hav...
Read moreThe objectives of the present study were to determine the feasibility of payment for ecosystem services (PES) projects in the Kapuas Hulu regency, Wes...
Read moreRestoration priorities are typically established without quantitative information on how to overcome the thresholds that preclude successful restorati...
Read moreThe objective of this research was to evaluate soil subsurface methods that may aid in seedling establishment and encourage root colonization from a d...
Read moreVegetated biogeomorphic systems (e.g. mangroves, salt marshes, dunes, riparian vegetation) have been intensively studied for the impact of the biota o...
Read moreRestoration of anthropogenically altered habitats has often focused on management for umbrella species-vulnerable species whose conservation is though...
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