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Ex situ conservation is an effective approach to prevent the extinction of endangered species. Biotic interactions (e.g. herbivory and pollination) ar...
Read moreThe functional role of soil microbes in the restoration of degraded lands is greatly influenced by interactions within and between microbial communiti...
Read moreDrought can affect ecosystem functioning by altering plant-soil interactions, posing a significant threat to vulnerable ecosystems like heathlands. In...
Read moreIn response to non-native plant invasions, many governments have established noxious weed lists to control and eradicate introduced invasive plants. H...
Read moreExotic plant invasions threaten biodiversity and are costly to farmers. Land use is a major pathway promoting the spread of exotic plant species; howe...
Read moreRestoration of anthropogenically altered habitats has often focused on management for umbrella species-vulnerable species whose conservation is though...
Read moreIn mountains, grasslands managed for livestock production sustain local economies, culture and identity. However, their future fodder production is hi...
Read morePopulation density is fundamental information for assessing the conservation status of species and support management and conservation actions for in ...
Read moreThe quantity and quality of throughfall, stemflow and litterflow under typical bracken(Pteridium aquilinum)-infested Agrostis/Festuca pastures in an u...
Read moreMasses of vegetation, litter and humus and their C and N contents, population densities of bacteria, fungi and arthropods, and respiration rates, mois...
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