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Rainforest revegetation projects often deliver suboptimal outcomes due to the recolonization of invasive pasture grasses, but little is known about th...
Read moreThis monitoring report contains data acquired during a dedicated survey carried out at the Lundy Special Area of Conservation (SAC), a marine protecte...
Read moreThis study aimed to identify key areas where connectivity bottlenecks occur (where connectivity is restricted) at the national scale in England, UK, a...
Read moreSeagrass restoration efforts are gaining momentum globally due to the recognition of historic losses and the vital role of seagrass habitats in addres...
Read moreDuring 1986 and 1987, 15 wheat and 15 barley fields were surveyed for damage caused by badgers, in an area in the south of England where badger densit...
Read moreThe suitability of formerly arable land for heathland restoration was studied on sandy soils in the Netherlands. For this purpose, nutrient (N, P) ava...
Read moreThe impact of the oligophagous capitulum weevil Larinus latus on seed production by its host Onopordum species was studied in its native range in orde...
Read moreAir pollution might have differential effects on herbivores and their natural enemies, thus changing population dynamics. Therefore, from 1993 to 1998...
Read moreSeed of 88 spp. were shown to be transmitted by herbivores; of these Agrostis tenuis [A. capillaris] Calluna vulgaris, Juncus spp., Poa pratensis, Cer...
Read moreIn 2 experimental lakes at Oxton, Nottinghamshire, paraquat at 0.5 rng/litre eradicated Elodea canadensis and all other submerged and floating plants ...
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