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Climate change is altering fire regimes globally, leading to an increased incidence of large and severe wildfires, including gigafires (>100,000 ha...
Read moreWildfires are important natural disturbances with profound ecological impacts. However, our understanding of how to restore plant-soil microbiome inte...
Read moreSuccessful restoration of semi-arid ecosystems remains a challenging problem. Many studies have tried to elucidate the factors that limit seedling est...
Read moreActive restoration often aims to accelerate ecosystem recovery. However, active restoration may not be worthwhile if its effects are overwhelmed by ch...
Read moreProtein, derived from plant and microbial residues, constitutes a significant portion of soil nitrogen or organic carbon pool and plays a crucial role...
Read moreSeed rain is an influential process related to plant community diversity, composition and regeneration. However, knowledge of seed rain patterns is li...
Read morePine wilt disease is one of the most severe and devastating diseases affecting pine forests worldwide, resulting in huge economic losses in many count...
Read moreReintroducing endangered species constitutes an important conservation tool. The performance of reintroduced populations is commonly assessed through ...
Read moreManagement boundaries are often delimited by political and social factors, whereas animal movements are affected by ecological and geophysical constra...
Read morePesticides constitute a major threat to biodiversity, but our understanding of the complex interactions between local and landscape factors influencin...
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