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enThis link goes to a English sectionswThis link goes to a English section Conflict between humans and elephants is one of the more complex examples o...
Read moreMonarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) have undergone large scale population declines leading to multiple conservation organizations encouraging the c...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionjaThis link goes to a English section The ongoing degradation of Earth's ecosystems through human activities pose...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionsvThis link goes to a English section Wildlife might be important to psychologically restorative values and disva...
Read moreAgricultural intensification and expansion are the main drivers of biodiversity loss that continue to increase this century, especially in South Ameri...
Read moreThe majority of research into the mental health benefits of blue space (outdoor places where water is a central feature) has focussed on the associati...
Read moreThe ongoing biodiversity and climate change crises require society to adopt nature-based solutions that integrate and enhance ecosystems. To achieve s...
Read moreOver the past few decades, social-ecological transformations have contributed to the restoration of numerous carnivores, presenting new challenges for...
Read moreSuccessful management of insect crop pests requires an understanding of the cues and spatial scales at which they function to affect rates of attack o...
Read moreNepal almost eliminated poaching of the greater one-horned rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis over the past decade, although poaching of other rhinoceros...
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