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The availability, consumption and trade of bushmeat is highly variable across time and space. This paper examines how the bushmeat market in Napo, Ecu...
Read moreInvasive species pose one of the most serious global threats to biodiversity. Investigations into the interactions of native and non-native species fo...
Read moreMeeting fundamental human needs while also maintaining ecosystem function and services is the central challenge of sustainability science. In the dens...
Read moreThroughout arid regions of the world, groundwater is extracted for human population centres. In the Great Basin and Range region of the USA, we lack b...
Read moreInformation is given on climate, soil types, vegetation, rural sociology, agriculture and land capability in the above survey area. There was a transi...
Read moreFrom 2014 to 2018, within the scope of the "Rotmilan - Land zum Leben" joint project, more than 880 farms were given advice on the implementation of r...
Read moreUsing empirically derived relationships between temperature and development rate, a stochastic simulation model was used to predict the seasonal patte...
Read moreThe combinations of trees, crops and animals in agroforestry systems are supposed to play a positive role in adapting to climate change at the farm, h...
Read moreSeveral decades of research on invasive marine species have yielded a broad understanding of the nature of species invasion mechanisms and associated ...
Read moreReclaiming peatland ecosystems is challenging our understanding of how to rebuild functioning landscapes. Assisted succession may provide a practical ...
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