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Concern over the impact of invasive species has led to the development of risk assessment methodologies to identify potential invaders and prevent fut...
Read moreWidespread hunting throughout Amazonia threatens the persistence of large primates and other vertebrates. Most studies have used models of limited val...
Read moreSpecies richness is often used as a tool for prioritizing conservation action. One method for predicting richness and other summaries of community str...
Read moreThe restoration of disturbance-maintained ecosystems may require management to overcome ecological thresholds and re-establish feedbacks that perpetua...
Read moreDissolved selenium is a contaminant of concern in the lower Gunnison River Basin, Colorado. Selenium is naturally present in the Cretaceous Mancos Sha...
Read moreOn Rothamsted farm in southern England, the predatory and parasitic arthropod population of part of a winter wheat field alternating with fallow, duri...
Read moreThere are few studies of the performance of species in restored vegetation communities. Here we report the results of a meta-analysis of 25 experiment...
Read moreImproving food security needs appropriate climate related risk management strategies. These include using climate information to guide farm level deci...
Read moreCassava is consumed by 800 million people and is a staple crop in Africa. Its production may increase under climate change due to its high drought tol...
Read moreAccurate and precise estimates of abundance are required for the development of management regimes for deer populations. In woodland areas, indirect d...
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