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Range condition was assessed in a semiarid 2265 km2 area of Tanzania grazed by cattle, sheep, goats, donkeys and a range of game wildlife. Primary pro...
Read moreChanges in the seed bank, seedling emergence and plant density of the most common grass species, and all legume species, were monitored from Oct. 1986...
Read moreThe effects of mycorrhizal infection on the growth of white clover were assessed, using gamma -irradiated soil of the Malham series amended with P fer...
Read moreAcacia nilotica is a spinescent woody legume that has become highly invasive in several parts of the world, including Australia where it has been decl...
Read moreThe effect of livestock on African rangelands has been a major focus of recent research, but little attention has been paid to the way livestock affec...
Read moreThe effects on British farmland wildlife of the management of four genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops are currently being studied in a 5-ye...
Read moreWe sometimes need to predict the maximum number of bird-days that can be supported by the food supply in a site used by migratory birds outside the br...
Read moreSeveral genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) crops have cleared most of the regulatory hurdles required for commercial growing in the United...
Read moreThe enhancement of biodiversity in meadow grassland, an environmental aim of European agricultural policy, requires definition of appropriate manageme...
Read moreAs an aid for restoration projects, the relative potential for plants to immigrate to sites after severe disturbance was investigated and an index dev...
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