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Nitrogen (N) loss from agricultural fields and urban areas to stream and groundwaters is a world-wide environmental problem. Excessive nitrogen loadin...
Read moreManagement decisions regarding invasive plants often have to be made quickly and in the face of fragmentary knowledge of their population dynamics. Ho...
Read moreIdentifying the mechanisms that facilitate invasion is crucial for the design of preventative measures and understanding the invasion process, but not...
Read moreColonization by woody plants is often very slow or absent on grasslands occupying degraded land in the tropics. Seed dispersal limitation is widely re...
Read moreThis paper presents the response from the British Ecological Society to the Lord's EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee, addressing the following q...
Read moreLivestock grazing has degraded many arid and semi-arid rangelands around the world, and the drier climate predicted by climate change scenarios may am...
Read morePlant-plant interaction studies in metalliferous systems have focused either on the role of facilitation or on negative effects of elemental allelopat...
Read moreUnreclaimed taconite mine tailings in Arizona, USA, were used as a mycorrhiza-free ecosystem to gain insights about the influence of vesicular-arbuscu...
Read moreAttempts to restore damaged ecosystems usually emphasize structural aspects of biodiversity, such as species richness and abundance. An alternative is...
Read moreSeasonal food habits of the endangered blackbuck antelope Antilope cervicapra were studied by observing wild and captive blackbuck feeding in differen...
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