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To assess variation in the diet of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the south-western North Sea, faeces were collected from Donna Nook, Lincolnshire...
Read moreA functional habitat classification was derived using the parametric land classification approach. Construction of a habitat map was based on photoeco...
Read moreThe effects and the persistence of a single sc injection of ivermectin (Ivomec) to steers, at the recommended dose rate of 200 µg/kg body weight, were...
Read morePredicted increases in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 may alter the susceptibility of many plants to insect herbivores due to changes in plant nutr...
Read moreThe success of grassland biodiversity restoration schemes is determined by many factors; as such their outcomes can be unpredictable. There is a need ...
Read moreSediments accumulate chemicals that can be toxic to biota and often contribute to aquatic ecosystem decline. Measuring mortality in laboratory-bred or...
Read moreIncreases in habitat connectivity can have consequences for taxonomic, functional, and genetic diversity of communities. Previously isolated aquatic h...
Read moreThe application of deicing road salts began in the 1940s and has increased drastically in regions where snow and ice removal is critical for transport...
Read moreVegetation and biogeomorphology are highly coupled in beach dune systems, but plant species effects on abating storm erosion are largely unexplored. W...
Read moreThe far-reaching impacts of livestock grazing in terrestrial grasslands are widely appreciated, but how livestock affect the structure and functions o...
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