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From 2014 to 2018, within the scope of the "Rotmilan - Land zum Leben" joint project, more than 880 farms were given advice on the implementation of r...
Read moreThe objectives of forest policy have been broadened from tangible products, such as wood and fiber, to ecosystem services. This broadening emphasizes ...
Read moreThe grey partridge is a species of conservation concern, in common with many farmland birds. Its widespread decline in western Europe has been attribu...
Read morePhragmites australis is an invasive grass that has increased dramatically in distribution and abundance within the USA in the last 100 years. This stu...
Read moreBryophyte response to landscape fragmentation has not been investigated in replicated studies in temperate forests. Many bryophytes disperse widely bu...
Read moreEcosystem recovery is influenced by processes at different spatial scales, yet land managers lack specific predictions on the relative importance of s...
Read moreThe combinations of trees, crops and animals in agroforestry systems are supposed to play a positive role in adapting to climate change at the farm, h...
Read moreImplementation of land restoration needs to be adjusted to local conditions to be more efficient and effective. Local communities are the actors with ...
Read moreThe progression of pest eradication to inhabited islands is now possible due to the knowledge gained from successful eradications on uninhabited islan...
Read moreThis paper provides details of soil and water conservation (SWC) investments in Ethiopia over the past 20 years. It presents SWC practices and estimat...
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