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The weed vegetation and seed bank were studied at the initiation (1979) and after the first cycle (1983) of a 4-course crop rotation (oats, clover [Tr...
Read moreThe following is substantially the authors' summary. Investigations on the diurnal activity and seasonal distribution of Glossina morsitans orientalis...
Read moreMycorrhizas form a critical link between above-ground plants and the soil system by influencing plant nutrition, nutrient cycling and soil structure. ...
Read moreAcacia nilotica is a spinescent woody legume that has become highly invasive in several parts of the world, including Australia where it has been decl...
Read moreThe impacts of habitat disturbance on biodiversity within tropical forests are an area of current concern but are poorly understood and difficult to p...
Read moreAs an aid for restoration projects, the relative potential for plants to immigrate to sites after severe disturbance was investigated and an index dev...
Read moreImproving food security needs appropriate climate related risk management strategies. These include using climate information to guide farm level deci...
Read moreUrban landscapes often harbour organisms that harm people and threaten native biodiversity. These landscapes are characterized by differences in socio...
Read moreA 15 year-old Pinus radiata plantation near Sale, Victoria, Australia, was irrigated with waste-water for 3 years. A litter-fall of 400 g m-2 year-1 w...
Read moreAnthropogenic habitat alteration is leading to the reduction of global biodiversity. Consequently, there is an imminent need to understand the state a...
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