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The Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus is a Near Threatened species of waterbird with populations in the wetlands of the Lower Danube River. Breeding...
Read moreAfter a significant population decline during the 20th century, populations of both greater and lesser horseshoe bats have increased over recent decad...
Read moreForests worldwide are under tremendous pressure - and so are the 1.6 billion forest dwellers who depend on these for their livelihoods. Forest and tre...
Read moreA population of 54-76 pairs of Turdus merula was studied on 350 ha of lowland farmland (arable, grazed and leys), 90 ha of broadleaved woodland (domin...
Read moreAntimicrobial drugs are used in food animal production for several purposes: to treat a disease outbreak, to prevent disease, and to enhance feed effi...
Read moreIn large parts of Europe red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) live in fragmented woodlands where populations are small, and dispersal rate and genetic div...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectiondeThis link goes to a Deutsche section Spring mowing in May and June is one of the main causes of mortality of ro...
Read moreA computer model is described which simulates the spread of barley yellow dwarf luteovirus (BYDV) by aphids in winter cereals in SW England. The model...
Read moreWoodland vegetation can be restored via natural succession in sites that are adjacent to woods which can act as seed sources for trees, shrubs and woo...
Read moreIn the moist tropics, studies have demonstrated poor seedling establishment of late-successional trees on lands cleared of forest. This study examined...
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