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The policy document - National Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Security Action Plan of Ghana (2016-2020) - provides the implementation framework fo...
Read moreAs part of a data gathering exercise, Natural England has commissioned a study to investigate the underlying genetic diversity of beavers (Castor fibe...
Read moreThe present survey took place in 2017 and 2018 and was carried out to ascertain whether the site fully met the recently revised SSSI (Site of Special ...
Read moreUp to 50% or more of the savanna landscapes of northern Australia are burnt each year, but the effects of these fires on savanna faunas are poorly kno...
Read moreSpiders form a major component of the generalist predator fauna, potentially able to restrict pest population growth, but their populations may be foo...
Read moreRiver regulation and abstraction have dramatically altered the natural flow regime of many rivers worldwide, but experimental investigations of the bi...
Read moreWe evaluated one of the most extensive efforts to date to re-introduce an endangered species: attempts to establish an actively managed meta-populatio...
Read moreDuring recent decades, the ecological corridor has become a popular concept among ecologists, politicians and nature conservationists. However, it has...
Read moreCapture-mark-recapture (CMR) studies provide essential information on demography, movement and other ecological characteristics of rare and endangered...
Read moreLarge-scale conservation planning requires the identification of priority areas in which species have a high likelihood of long-term persistence. This...
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