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Sown or natural flower strips are a commonly used management practice in agroecosystems and have been demonstrated to increase the abundance of predat...
Read moreSeedling regeneration was studied in woodland composed mainly of oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea), alder (Alnus glutinosa), ash (Fraxinus excelsior)...
Read moreThe population of the corncrake (Crex crex) in Britain and Ireland has been declining for more than a century. Corncrakes breed in hay and silage mead...
Read moreVegetation fires can have major social, economic and ecological consequences. Research into fire behaviour has aimed to give managers greater ability ...
Read morePost-dispersal seed predation is an important source of mortality for arable weed populations that can potentially contribute to ecologically based ma...
Read moreDespite continued global declines in large carnivore abundance and distribution, some species are recovering. In North America, these recoveries can o...
Read moreOn resown hill pasture in NE Scotland, two grass/clover swards were continuously grazed by sheep to maintain sward heights of 3 and 5 cm from May to S...
Read moreEcological intensification in croplands aims to enhance biodiversity-based ecosystem services, helping to increase yield while reducing agricultural e...
Read moreThe nutrient input in rainfall was determined at three colliery spoil heaps in Yorkshire and at a rural site. The only major difference between sites ...
Read moreForest insect pests are becoming increasingly common in Europe. A recent paper published in this journal dealt with a particular case of pest spreadin...
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