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River regulation and exotic plant invasion threaten riverine ecosystems, and the two often co-occur. By altering water regimes, flow regulation can fa...
Read moreBioassessment in running waters has focused primarily on the impacts of organic pollution on community structure. Other stressors (e.g. invasive speci...
Read moreNative to the Americas, cane toads Bufo marinus are an invasive species causing substantial ecological impacts in Australia. We need ways to control i...
Read moreThe life history, population dynamics and dispersal of the snail Theba pisana were studied in a cereal-pasture rotation in South Australia in 1984-88....
Read moreThe population dynamics of Biomphalaria pfeifferi were studied at 4 river sites in the Zimbabwe highveld for periods of 4 to 28 months during 1986 to ...
Read moreModels of ecological half-life may be valuable and cost-effective predictive tools for authorities setting restrictions on human consumption of freshw...
Read moreNature degradation, poverty and social discrimination are some of the consequences of unfair decision-making over environmental resources within rural...
Read moreAnthropogenic activities that degrade natural ecosystems may also impact human health. However, research on the links between human and environmental ...
Read moreThis report is one of the outputs of the project 'Man and forests - an evaluation of management strategies for reduced deforestation', led by the Norw...
Read moreClimate change is a major development challenge to Ethiopia. Climate change is expected to adversely affect all economic sectors, eco-regions, and soc...
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