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Invasive crayfish are an important ecological concern in many freshwater ecosystems. Many efforts have been made to eradicate them, but there is very ...
Read moreThe Society for Ecological Restoration defines restoration as "the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, ...
Read moreThe endangered Mexican volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi) was investigated in relation to habitats. Data, obtained from 137 sampling units in 14 patch...
Read moreThe results of a restoration experiment carried out on a permanent grassland on peaty, heavy clay in the Netherlands are described. The experiment sta...
Read moreThe spatial distribution of two wild ungulates, impala (Aepyceros melampus) and kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), and of domestic cattle, was monitored...
Read moreIntensive fertilization of young spruce forest plantations (i.e. 'nutrient optimization') has the potential to meet increasing demands for carbon sequ...
Read moreIncreased farming intensity led to massive declines across multiple farmland taxa. In Europe, measures introduced to counteract these losses include t...
Read moreRoads are a major driver of environmental stress, yet we know surprisingly little about how roads impact the movement of insect pollinators, and conse...
Read moreInvasive alien species can cause detrimental changes in native ecosystems, but our understanding of the interactions between multiple exotic species i...
Read morePredicting how populations may respond to climate change and anthropogenic pressures requires detailed knowledge of demographic traits, such as surviv...
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