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Non-timber forest products (NTFP) are harvested by millions of people for their livelihood. To define sustainable harvest limits it is critical to und...
Read moreSpatially defined restrictions on fishing activity are considered to be important for biodiversity conservation in marine ecosystems. However, it is u...
Read moreThe need to increase our understanding of factors that regulate animal population dynamics has been catalysed by recent, observed declines in wildlife...
Read moreAssuring future food productivity and security will require that better use is made of pest regulation provided by naturally occurring ecological serv...
Read moreThis review assessess the information contained in publicly available literature with a view to enabling Natural England to improve the advice that th...
Read moreSamples of a moss (Hypnum cupressiforme) and of two lichens (Hypogymnia physodes, Lecanora conizaeoides) were collected from the trunks of beech (Fagu...
Read moreWith the aim of developing a model for the prediction of Oscinella frit populations, migrating adults were sampled using suction traps at two location...
Read more(1). The health of coral reef ecosystems is declining. As research examining this decline has grown, review articles (secondary literature) have emerg...
Read moreRoadsides are targeted for restoration of pollinator-friendly plants. Yet, roads are sources of macronutrient, micronutrient and heavy metal pollution...
Read more(1). For decades, the working paradigm for ecological restoration was independent operation of knowledge generators (researchers and scientists) and k...
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